Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Busy Times

This has been a very busy time for us.  We have the Tucson Gem and Mineral Shows here that run from the last week in January through the second week in February.  This is a series of over 140 different events at different sites.

In spite of my Cataract Surgery last Wednesday, I was able to go to events starting the following day with the aid of my 'Seeing Eye Husband'.  My vision wasn't terrific but he did the driving and made sure I didn't trip over curbs on the way into the buildings so I didn't have to miss much.

I had hoped to take some pictures but the organizers of the events had signs saying that this was not allowed.

I saw many of my favorite people and met some new ones, most notably Christi Friesen, a talented and energetic Polymer Clay Award Winning artist and teacher.  I was so impressed that I signed up for one of her workshops on Super Bowl Sunday and had a ball!  This lady is a scream.  I did discover that my vision wasn't good enough for tiny detail work but I learned a ton.  Be sure and visit her booth should she ever be in your area.  Her things are fun even if you are not a Polymer Clay person.  Take a look at her one of a kind creations.   http://www.cforiginals.com/http://www.cforiginals.com/

No pictures of the big event though I could show you my empty wallet. 

I'm including a couple of 'new lambs at the ranch' pictures.  These are twins but the boy is huge and the little girl is tiny.  Maybe I should try to sculp them just for practice.


  1. I am SOOO JEALOUS that you got to talk to and work with Christie Friesen. Just last month I purchased one of her new books and love it!!

    As for the lambs, please send one my way. I promise not to kill/cook/eat but instead will hug and play with :)
    They are adorable!!

  2. What cuties! They'd make great wool!!!!!

  3. Gem show sounds like fun but love those adorable Lambs more... we have a sheep farm next door, can not wait to take grandsons over there to see new babies.

  4. How are your eyes now? I say I am going to the gem show every year and never do .........

  5. Hope your eyes are healing well! Cut lambs!

  6. I have been in Tucson just after the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show and wished I was a week earlier! Hope it was fun.

  7. I am happy to hear that you were able to make it to the gem show. The class sounds like it was a blast!
    Love the little lambs!

  8. I love going to the gem show we have here in WV every fall. I never know just what to buy, though my husband just loves looking.

  9. all the best to you.. love the idea of a "seeing eye husband"... the new baby lambs are adorable :)

  10. Marianne I hope your vision is back to normal soon. I cannot imagine what it's like to have your eyes 'out of action'.
    You have sheep!! Just love the ba lambs!

  11. Those twins are cuties, makes me wish I still lived on my parents farm :)

  12. New follower from the promotional frenzy team. Cute goats you have! Too bad you couldn't take any pictures of the event, but hope you had a fun time!

  13. So glad you're getting better! Those goats are too cute!

  14. OMG THOSE GOATS ARE SO DARLING!!! miaw miaw miaw!!!! :D :D

  15. Oh, the babies are sooo cute!! Glad you were able to make it to the event.
