Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Farewell to Abby

We had to say good-bye to Abby this morning. She had liver and pancreatic issues and nothing could be done so we gave her the last gift we could and let her go peacefully and without pain. Abby was born in Scotland, April 4, 1997.

Abby left us with lots of memories. She was a rehome and had been a very well-known competitor in the high level Border Collie Herding Trials with her former owner. We got her when she was 9 years old. She had been a kennel dog but adapted to being a house dog right away. She liked having two meals a day, sleeping inside, getting treats and a never ending supply of ear rubs.

I trialed her a bit on sheep, geese and ducks and she earned several Herding Championships. She was horrified that I would ask her to herd DUCKS, but ever the lady, she humored me. She was too pushy for geese and they hissed at her. Quite comical. We even ventured into the arena with Cattle a few times but I didn’t like being afoot in an arena with steers and Abby was too brave for her own good and I was afraid she would be hurt so we stopped that. She never felt she was getting older and slower.

Abby’s herding skills never left her and she would go around the house counting noses. She preferred that everyone (dogs and people) stay in the same room so she could keep track of them. Herding dogs are control freaks you know. The other dogs were boys so Abby was the reigning queen of the pack.

Abby is best known to my Etsy friends as the dog who ate all the trimmings off a dozen of my Medicine rocks then denied having done so. However, what goes in tends to come out and we were pooper-scooping turquoise nuggets, carnelian and citrine beads as well as random small shells and fibers for days after. (She never did admit eating this stuff.)

Abby was kind to her stock and got along well with other dogs. She loved having company and greeted each visitor as though they were long lost friends.

It was hard saying good-by to this dear girl but she will live on in our hearts.


  1. My heart goes out to you... along with a few tears. Sue xx

  2. aww... I wish I could have met Abbey, she sounds like such was such a fun and loving dog.
    May she live on in the memories of all those whose lives she touched

  3. :-( i am sorry for your loss I know how much my dogs mean to me so I can only imagine!

  4. I know first hand how a pet isn't just a pet; but a member of the family. I'm sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was quite the comical unique dog. At least her passing was quick and painless. I'm sure she's in a better place now. Still not easy to hold back the tears I'm sure. Peace and Love to you and your current blessings.

  5. Oh Calli... so sorry for your loss... You will never forget her nor her you. You did the right thing in letting her go. We had to do the same to our friend, Pal.. we had him for 15 years. He grew up with our son.

  6. I can tell she will be missed and I am so sorry that you had to loose her :(

  7. Calli so sorry for you lose, but know she is in a better place and has no pain. You did the right thing dear, even though it is hard. i still remember when we had to let our cat go, 17yrs, blind and couldn't find anything, she was getting tangled in the wires.

    So sorry prayers and hugs to you

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you. All the best, so hard to lose our beloved pets.

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with you, too, as I know how special our animals friends are to us. I am shedding a few tears for you, too, put happy that she left you with such great memories that will stay with you forever :)

  10. Pet leave paw prints on our hearts in ways that we can't describe. It can be so difficult to lose your best canine friend. I'm proud of you for giving her the hardest gift it is to and peace. My prayers are with you during such a heartbreaking time.

  11. So sad you lost her! Dogs just have a way of nestling into our hearts. They're like family! We had labs growing up and my parents would do hunting trials with them here and there. We loved them so much and I miss having dogs so much but in an apartment it's difficult especially considering I like the bigger dogs. I have a firm belief that all dogs really do go to heaven and will be waiting at the front gates for us! Blessings to you and yours at this hard time!
