Tuesday, March 22, 2011

All Over the Place Workspace=Chaos

I carry my trays all over the place.  Usually the dining room table is my main workstation but I will work on my lap in the family room, living room or computer room.  First select materials.
And keep selecting and selecting and more and more and...well you get the picture.

Then, let the fun begin and let chaos reign! Good bye neat and tidy and hello clutter which seems to increase as the days go on.

It Finally, it's time for a nap. This is exhausting!


  1. Your corgi is adorable!! I want to get one (and possibly a labradoodle) when I finally settle down somewhere with a nice backyard. I love your bead trays! That's what I need! Now I finally know what I've been missing :) Your space is very well-organized.

  2. That's great that you have everything so organized!

  3. omg so neat!!! your doggy is so cute!!!
    im so embarrassed mine is so messy just because i dont have a proper workspace!

  4. Just love your work Calliope! Great photo of your corgi. We are corgi fans too:)

  5. wow! i love all those drawers! been looking for something like that for a long time! :)))

  6. You have some nice organizers!! WOWZA! You may be competiting with me on the amount of inventory :) I love reading about this and your doggie is adorable!

  7. Wow! What a great cabinet! With trays!
    I know exactly what you mean about the clutter that comes when the jewelry making are startet! It is the same thing at my place! :)

  8. Does not look chaotic to me either, if I only I had this much order.
    Love your little doggy.

  9. I don't think there is a thing as chaos...I always say it's an organized mess. As soon as I clean up, I can't find anything!

  10. Wow, your space looks very organized and neat. I don't see chaos:)

  11. Now THAT is one fabulous storage space! I'd love to have a setup like that. I really think drawers like yours are the most convenient & efficient. Now tell me . . . are all those drawers full ;D

  12. I'm getting lots of ideas for organizing my workspace :) LOVE the drawers!
    A nap sounds really good too!

  13. I love corgis! My friend has one- we say that she is a combination of a fox and a chinchilla because of the way she waddles! Great post.

  14. Your dog is adorable! And your space is great, so organized.

  15. It's organized. I love the nap time with the corgi.

  16. wow! that is a ton of trays. i really like the way it is organized. and the corgi is so cute.

  17. Wow! I just "died" (I hope this could be said in english in same way) green with envy.
    It´s great, I want that organized trays....

  18. LOVE those colored drawers...I may have to check into those! Great organization!

  19. Great organization and a beautiful dog!

  20. Thats how I work. I have an area but I like to drag things out and watch tv while making stuff.

  21. Love your drawer units, those are really neat.

  22. Wow, you have alot of supplies and so neatly arranged!!! I believe that is more important than a dedicated work space...if you can find it you can work almost anywhere.

  23. love your colorful trays, I'd find them very useful too!

  24. its necessary chaos!! I wish I had your storage cabinet!! Thats my dream!

  25. Great workspace! And your dog looks so happy :-).

  26. I love all your trays and bins! And the dog is pretty darn cute. :)

  27. Great space and a way to take it room to room.

  28. what a sweet doggie!! and you are very organized, I hadn't thought of making my supplies mobile like that- genius!

  29. Oh man, I love those trays! I am always looking for trays like that

  30. such nice workspace. please add me to the shops along the side of your blog. thanks

  31. I love your storage trays and your truly tired doggy.

  32. I am envious of your beading tower!
